-Cours d’études après l’école et fin de semaine
-Enrichissement et Rattrapage
-Aide aux devoirs
-Tutorat professionnel
-Préparation aux épreuves scolaire et ministérielles
-Suivi des progrès avec les enseignants
-Cours de groupe et privé
-Programmes conformes au M.E.Q
-Tutoring classes after school and weekends
-Enrichment and study skills
-Help with homework
-Professional tutors
-Preparation for school and ministerial exams
-Monitoring progress with teachers
-Group and private lessons
-Programs compliant with M.E.Q.
Call Today-Aujourd'hui
Special *15-20$ hr
"Car chaque enfant mérite son succès"
"Giving each child his success story"
Schedule a FREE evaluation today!
Appellez pour une évaluation GRATUITE!
Call Now: 514.562.3940
Our students test on average better then nationwide averages on exams.
Nos élèves assurent des meilleures notes aux examens.
Voted #1
Laval- 514.562.3940
West Island 514.969.2725
Montreal-West Island-Saint Laurent-Pierrefonds-Est MTL-DDO
Customized Learning

Proven Success: 90%
grade improvement;
85% higher test scores

At The Lasry Education Center we specialize in Math and French. We are located in The Laval, West Island, Dorval, Vaudreuil, Ville Saint-Laurent and The Greater Montreal Areas. Parents, Principals and Students use our centers for the efficient help we provide all year through.The Lasry Education Center has created a unique environment where students feel comfortable, stimulated, encouraged and supported.
When you participate in the Lasry’s Learning Centres you are working with dedicated tutors and educators committed to reach your child’s goals. Please join hundreds of other children who have worked with our tutors to improve their grades, get ahead in math, science or French, end homework struggles, or prepare for CEGEP, whatever the need, we can help.
Chemistry, physics, calculus and all university classes available.
Different Students
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

Our centers provide the quality and experience of learning to inspire confidence in all students, pre-K through High School - and everything in between. Our tutors help children succeed and accomplish greater results in Math, Science, French and other subjects; we’ll also provide homework helpand guidance with study skills, including entrance exams, test preparation, MEQ and year end exams.
Study Guides
"Here are some ideas to do well on tests.
1. Prepare yourself at least one week before an exam.
2. Get enough sleep; do not push yourself to study until midnight.
3. Wake up in the early morning to review the exam materials.
4. Have a discussion group with your friends.
5. Understand your teacher's grading criteria.
In Class
Homework Help
Lesson planning
Exam Prep

La devise est claire: Le Centre D'enseignement met en priorité les intérêts du jeune pour lui permettre d'utiliser ses formes d'intelligences, ses atouts et ses capacités en le guidant, le motivant et en l'encadrant d'une façon intelligente et subtile. Les résultats existent pour prouver que notre rôle inclus le tutorat, l'enseignementdes matières scolaires les préparations à tous les tests et examens, le counseling, l'aide à passer les examens d'admission. Notre joie est celle de partager tant avec les étudiants qu'avec leurs parents l'émerveillement de l'évolution des notes sur les bulletins scolaires qui deviennent une source justifiée de fierté.
"Be attentive in class. Listen and try to understand in the class. Ask all your questions to the teacher before leaving class. Don't wait to cram until the exam comes. Every day revise the part you learned the other day. Try to recall it to put it into your long-term memory. Do all the work regularly and if you find anything difficult to learn write it until you learn it. Avoid all distractions when learning. "
*elementary-High School
*Primaire et Secondaire
College University
It is with great content that I'm sending this letter, thank you for helping Marc with his year, this is our best ever...
When we first started Ali was below average student, but the help and support you provide is extremely good at encouraging his self estime, thank you and see you in september.
Merci encore de votre soutien cette année avec Kosta, il s'est beaucoup ameliore et a été accepté à l'internationale.
Nous avons placé nos deux enfants chez vous cette année et on est tellement heureux à la maison, plus de problèmes avec l'école.
—Sarah from Ste-Dorothee,Laval
— Naima from Chomedey, Laval
— Voula de Ste-Rose, Laval
— Tony de Pierrefonds, Montreal